Burger day
Stuff your time



→ D3.js library

Burger day is an app that allow to track time during the day, according to categories, such as eating, sleeping, working, leisure, sport.
Focused on categories shared by all, especially on food category. It's possible to see the application through the metaphor of food, that contains within itself the other categories, as a burger stuffed of sleep, work, leisure...

Landing page
Animation of the landing page.
The hamburger is divided into layers and shows the different labels of its classes, with the header and navigation icons.
→ view the prototype

Passed hamburger / menu section
Click on the icon top left to trigger the open/close transition of the off-canvas section.
During the transition, you can see the animation of burgers that follow the movement of the page transition
→ view the prototype

Confirmation icon / category section
Click on the icon on the top right. Once you will back on the landing page, you will see a feedback animation of the same category.
→ view the prototype